Monday, 26 August 2024
Saturday, 10 April 2021
Nigerian Idol: Whispering Thoughts
Thursday, 26 November 2020
👋🏽 First of all, I am extremely glad that you are reading this message.😁😁
Now a bit about myself : I am a Nigerian who recently finished secondary school. I am sixteen years old and I launched a youtube channel recently on the 19th of November, 2020 called Math Bosses. 😎
Channel Link:
Please keep reading🙏🏽🙏🏽
You've probably never heard the name...the channel is actually not popular😔 but that's why i'm glad you are seeing this message.😃
Now, don't get bored but I got the inspiration to start this channel from my love for Mathematics as a subject as well as my love for helping others.🤗
But why should you trust my content: I got an A1 in Mathematics and Further Mathematics while in secondary school after writing the West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE/WAEC) and I also got an A* in Mathematics for International General Certificate Examination (IGCSE) and I have been helping others with Mathematics since Basic 8/JSS 2.
Don't leave yet🤲🏽🤲🏽
Channel Link:
Now, I have no proof for you reading this message, but I want to appeal to you to give me a little bit of trust by checking out the channel and it's content. I can assure you that it is not the best so I would really appreciate it if you leave a comment on how I can improve after watching the videos.
I upload videos every Thursday and my aim is to start from the basics so currently my videos will majorly be useful to you or your little brother or sister, cousin or children especially Primary 5 to JSS2 (Basic 5 to Basic 8) pupils.
Almost done...🙂
But why should YOU subscribe: Well very soon, most likely the first Sunday of December, I'll begin to upload tricks in mathematics that would be useful for anyone in any area of life.
These tricks will sharpen your reasoning by far and increase your critical thinking skills.
So, what are you waiting for?🤷🏽♀️
Click the links to watch the videos;
Channel Link:
First Video Link:
Second Video Link:
Don't skip this part😃
When you do watch the videos, you'll notice that I used slides a lot and you can also get access to these slides (on Instagram) by clicking on this link.
Instagram account:
Now, final favour🙏🏽
Forward this message to as many as possible.
Thank you😇😇
Friday, 10 August 2018
Between the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament is about thousands years (don’t know many exactly).
But God didn’t give up. God upped His game and not the Jews. Like the master tactician/coach, He shifted from plan B to C, D down to Z and at the end, conquered the whole world in less than two thousand years.
Permit me to wrap up with this quote, "I've learnt it is more effective to adapt and to meet my students where they are rather than forcing them to change, to adapt and to meet me where I'm."
Sunday, 15 April 2018
I polished my shoe a couple of minutes ago, ironed my shirts on Saturday night. I will be packing my bag (laptop) in the next 30 minutes.
My lesson notes are in soft copy. I just ran through them on Saturday. Literally I am set to welcome Monday cum resumption day.
Let me share some of my plans for I and my students this term. By God's grace we will successfully cross out each of them as the term unfolds.
I teach S.S 1 Civic Education and S.S 2 Humanities CRS.
I have already splitted the S.S 2 class into groups of four the previous term. This term, we will at the group level be doing a lot of peer to peer teaching/coaching, assignments cum presentations.
Peer to peer mentoring gives the shy ones the opportunity to discuss with their colleagues, ask questions and even help the more courageous ones to assist the others.
I may not be able to do this in S.S 1 because our period per week isn't much. I will however employ different form of assessments (oral, written etc) to gauge their level of comprehension as the term rolls on.
I used audio visual tools a bit last term. I have to double my effort in this regard this term. Design more PowerPoint slides, bring in relevant video clips, newspaper clippings too and any other relevant learning aid.
What am I missing? What would you like me to add to my to do list this term? Do help a teacher be much more relevant to his students this final lap of the session...
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Never allow a week to end without learning several new things about the children you teach! Joseph Aisida
The refectory was dark. It was the shortest cut to the classroom block so he had to take it.
He felt along the wall for the light switch.
And as the light scattered the cloud of darkness, he saw someone sleeping - head on the table he guessed.
It was prep time. No one should be hear now.
He got closer only to hear his sniffles and what passed off like a sob or was he crying?
He gently raised his head up. It was John the troublesome student. Of course who else should it be? He thought.
However John's tear stained face presented a different case scenario which compelled him to explore the situation.
After minutes of petting and consoling, John's power of speech came back to life. His story roused my colleague's teacher antenna.
They were caught talking during lights out the previous day. The following day, they were marshaled out before the Academic dean.
It was there that his nightmare kicked off. He and his fellow culprits received the severest tongue lashing of their lives.
He kept a straight face, swallowing the skin pealing barbs bravely till the Dean singled him out.
What was his fault?
He was the only person who wasn't crying or rather, according to the Dean, showing signs of remorse. And he was vehemently rebuked for his strong hearted nature - a heart that is incapable of feeling an aorta of contrition for what he did.
This wasn't the first time John has been caught in the eye of the storm. He has over time decided to wear his poker face when they hurl their barbs at him.
He would rather go to a quiet corner and weep his eyes out later. Just like this fateful night my colleague caught up with him.
Two to three days of continuous discussion got John talking about his past.
So was he actually a headstrong, hardhearted, incapable of showing remorse fellow?
He was a product of a broken home. His mother took his sisters with her leaving him with his dad. No one has heard from them since.
His dad actually dumped him in the school to keep him far away from his James Bond life style. Of course he had figured this out too.
As he narrated this to me, I couldn't help but ask myself how much I really know about my students?
Apart from the troubling facade, the innocent face, the aggressive tendencies, what else do I know about them?
What do I know about their family background, how stable the home front is, are the parents staying together, divorced, dead etc?
This could be a difficult prospect which can make our already cluttered desk look insignificant. But if we really want to meet the unique needs of our students, this is a sacrifice we must make.
Papa Mmeso the students' teacher.